Starting Strong
6 hour class by Heather Urquhart (one hour extra for lunch break)
Service Description
Scenes that start clearly and boldly, often continue that way. Those that don’t can flounder and stutter as they try to find their game, heart, or inspiration. This class will give you a range of powerful ways to start a scene and then continue what you have begun, all without restricting your partner’s choices. Working with character, attitude, premise, and emotion, with a little bit of plain weirdness thrown in for good measure, you will see how to bring something to the scene that is inspiring to both scene partners. You will never step onstage without an idea again. This class includes: * How to initiate, both with and without a suggestion * How to support your partner’s initiations * Bringing together apparently contradictory initiations
Contact Details
„Georgi S. Rakovski“ Street 127, Sofia, Bulgaria